Radar Charts

Shared on
February 23, 2020
Qualitative Research

Whether it be through intercepts or stakeholder and user interviews, you've collected a large amount of qualitative data about your users. The next logical step is to create persona archetypes in order to uncover unique user perspectives.

This framework relies on deep and direct engagement with user data, as it will exercise your designer intuition. It's also best completed with at least one other designer who conducted the research with you.

1. Begin by determining a minimum of three attributes describing the attitude of your user. Avoid attributes that are obvious demographic traits.

✅Confidence, Trust and Comprehension.

❌Young, Elderly, Parents, Students, etc.

2. Determine a scale for how each user will be rated per attitude attribute. We recommend starting simple: High-3, Medium-2, Low-1.  

3. Use your intuition to rate each user. Record these in the provided Excel sheet.

4. Print the generated radar charts, and group participants according to the graph area and shape. Large groups represent popular attitudes while smaller groups may point to outliers in your data.

5. Double-check that all users in a group share a similar perspective to your experience. Discuss users that sit on the fringe of obvious groups and discuss why they are outliers.

6. Give each group an archetypes name. Be creative and avoid defaulting to stereotypical personas, which often describe demographics or professions.

✅The Visual Learners, The Imitators, The Path-pavers

❌The Novice, The Accountant, The Tech-enthusiast

Lastly, user the Excel sheet to plot a summary radar comparing your archetypes.

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